Update me
I have create this program for easy insert in every rom OTA update and download
of extra package
The program is very simple, need only 3 configuration file, 1 on the rom, and 2
on the remote server
For more info see XDA thread
What makes this application?
- Push notification for send check to new rom
- Push notificatio for send message to rom's users
- Check for new rom available
- Show list of kernel which can be downloaded, download it and reboot to recovery
- Show list of plugin which can be downloaded, download it and reboot to recovery
- Show list of themes which can be downloaded, download it and reboot to recovery
- Check md5 for download file
- Check new rom on startup
- check new rom every hours
- Create your custom tab with name and icon
- Support all hosts as external links
How to configure
The program is easily to configure.
in your rom you need only a file named update_me.xml in the system folder.
The file must be like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RomName>Name rom</RomName>
and 2 other file must to be placed online:
- a file with rom info for check new rom availability
- a file with element for rom.
When the rom is update, the new rom MUST contains a modified update_me.xml with new version,otherwise the app show always the message "new rom available"
an example config is available
the pack of available icon for tabs can download
in the pack icon named icon_0.png is the number 0 of the config ;D
Supported file host
- direct download file host
- public folder on dropbox, box.net, etc
- goo.im
- xdafileserver.nl
- androidfilehost.com
- all other host as external link
How use push notification on your rom
Register on http://win.acquariusoft.com/updateme Go on "Registered" -> "Rom
list" menu choose a uid (uniqueid) for the rom. Max 16 chars. and insert a new
rom name (need only for list, can be different from name inserted in the
config). If uid is already used a message is promped if it's all ok, you see
your rom inserted. now you can inserted your uid in the config using
updateme.otauid in the build prop or <OtaUid>xxx</OtaUid> in the xml
when new version is available if you go to info of rom you can send new version check and message to all users!
How check md5 work
if check md5 is enabled for a file, the program check for a file name with the same name of file plus .md5sum like: app.zip and app.zip.md5sum
with contains md5 plus filename.
if the host is goo.im the md5 is read directly from page
if you like my work, donate me a beer!!!!
i have create a new app on the market for donate 3 €.
for now it don't allow new feature but in the future i'll add some feature only for donate user.